Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lifestyles of Purpose

After watching this video for the first time, my life was turned upside down. This is a man who is wearing down physically and lives his life with a purpose that is ultimately greater than himself. Understanding that God calls us to live in a way that challenges others is crucial, and watching Dick Hoyt lay his life down for his son is a perfect example. First, Dick does not live a mediocre life. Many Americans are domesticated by the work place, take on tasks that are not passion driven, and live selfishly in their familes and friends. This is mediocre. The beginning of living a life of excellence comes from the knowledge and faith that God has a plan for you that is greater than you could ever hope ask or dream for. This plan is to prosper us, not to harm us. We need to understand that if we let God use us for His plan, people will look at our life storys and be impacted by them, as I was impacted by Dick and Rick Hoyt's story. I am so excited to dig into dreaming big for God in my next post. Blessings.

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